Cloud Solar is a service that enables residential individuals and groups to reserve solar capacity from commercial-scale pay-for-use solar projects to trade power for bill credits, allowing individuals to use these credits to save on their power bills.
Cloud Solar Projects can be installed in various locations worldwide. Please refer to the project list section for more details.
Utilities listed here are enabled for the addition of credits to power bills. For them, no additional permissions or requirements are necessary, nor are any changes to the building power meter needed.
Even for those with ample space on roofs, Digital Solar can be a more convenient and cheaper solution based on your location. These systems are installed in 50-100 KW range of capacity, offering better price per kilowatt than typical residential solar systems that range around 5 to 10 kilowatts.
After reservation, you’ll be redirected to your dashboard where you can monitor the real-time performance of your solar system and use the generated credits to pay bills. If you already have an account with us, you can access the dashboard by logging in.
Simply pay your power bill through Smart Solar Achiever (the process is much like using payment apps such as Google Pay and Paytm to pay for power) and credits get automatically added to that due bill.
On-bill credits are used to discount power bills and cannot be withdrawn or transferred to a bank account.
Yes, credits can be used for multiple billing sessions, either for individual requirements or for others.